Weekly Photo Challenge – Summer Lovin’

This week, share a photo that says summer lovin’ to you. It might be a favorite pair of sandals you can’t bear to part with, the homemade salsa you made with veggies from your garden, the flowers you planted, or your family frolicking on the beach. If summer is on the way in your hemisphere, show us something hot hot hot: your homemade sriracha sauce, some friends shuckin’ and jivin’ on the dance floor, or even the furnace or boiler that heats your home.



The season after Spring, and before Fall.

a time for fun.


a time for love.


a time that can be described in one picture.



who doesn’t love summer?

I love summer rain!




She don’t know she’s B E A Utiful

though time and time, I’ve told her so.

She doesn’t see what we see.
I see the most amazing mother.
Her smile makes you wanna smile.
She is just beautiful.

just for you mom(:
her blog -> http://mrstarnished.wordpress.com/

Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning

wordpress 2
This is my photo interpretation of Beginning
new air
new sky
new problems
new goals
new love
new lose
new friends
new new new

It’s a New Year everyone! Time to change your bad ways, and become a better person. Go to the gym, go on a diet, stop cursing. Me? I am going to stay the same, I will continue to drink Dr. Pepper smoke cigarettes, cuss as many times as I fucking please. I enjoy myself, I am myself. I shouldn’t have to change for anyone but me. Although I am on a diet getting rid of my fatness, but not because it’s a new year.

Seven Cardinal Rules to Life….

well said


Seven Cardinal Rules to Life….


1. Make Peace With Your Past – so it does not spoil your present. Your past does not define your future, your actions and beliefs do.

2. What Others Think Of You – is NONE of your business. It’s how much you value yourself and how important you think you are.

3. Time Heals Almost Everything – give time, time. Pain will be less hurting. Scars make us who we are; they explain our life and why we are the way we are. They challenge us and force us to be stronger.

4. No One Is The Reason For Your Own Happiness – except YOU, yourself. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside.

5. Do NOT Compare Your Life With Others’ – you have NO idea what their journey is all about. If we all…

View original post 102 more words

Weekly Photo Challenge: Joy



: a feeling of great happiness

: a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone

: success in doing, finding, or getting something

My Joy comes from my family, without them I am nothing. They bring me happiness. to the point my stomache and head hurt from laughing so much. we can just be making funny faces in my webcam and someone will pee themselves laughing. I am so blessed to have these three in my life, and I’m so excited to see what this new year has in store for us!!